Wednesday 8 February 2012

Monday 26 July 2010


Big society, what a load of balls!!! I don't think the idea of inspired volunteering and activism is a bad thing BUT when the state tells you to help yourself without any initial inspiration, it's not gonna work! As we all know the people who want to volunteer are normally university educated and middle class, what about the places where there are non of these people, i.e. people who are lower class?? And who is going to get inspired by the state, when they have not reprimanded any of the corporate bankers and hedge fund managers that took all the money. big society works, when there is trust in government who implicates it, and a strong economy with money to spend.... what a load of rubbish this is going to be

Sunday 1 March 2009

Baha'i Fasting

Its the 12th day of the Baha'i Fast. Although its proving to be a challenge its been a rewarding experience.

After the full 19 days of fasting, Baha'i's celebrate Naw Ruz, the day where the vernal equinox occurs. 
Click here for a little blurb from about fasting

Big Love

Thursday 26 February 2009

Life and Death

There has been a theme running through my life in the last 6 months or so. I had never questioned my existence or the afterlife, or if there was an afterlife, that much, in the last year. My stream of thought around this area was; 'well, your gonna die, so if there is an afterlife or not, it should really change what you do in this form, so think about it when it happens'
But there has been some events that have made me delve into the enigma of existence. A person, I knew past away recently, I had two brief encounters with her. She had so much going for her, she was charming, generous and you could tell she had touched so many peoples lives. 

People of this life have to bereave for the recently departed and the completeness inside the person bereaving is needed before moving onto a new epoch. A good way to keep the memory of the departed alive is to carry on their virtues into your life, that way they still have purpose. And this is also why we should always strive to be virtuous people in this life, only to leave it behind to the next generations for inspiration and hope. 

I have concluded that I won't be afraid of death, instead embracing it for what it is, a natural and necessary thing. My time will come, and when it does, it will be what was intended, natures balancing act, the restoration of the universes equilibrium. 

And so this brings me to the picture. Music that I have been feeling like recently is Elbow's Seldom Seen Kid, A sentimental work of art. I think Guy Garvey wrote this album with the remembrance of people who have been lost from his life. The line 'Love you mate' at the end of Friends of Ours, brings tears. My band mate played me this about a year ago, at his place, and I remember him telling me how this song makes him think of how its hard to tell a guy how much you care for just end up giving a nudge on the shoulder.   
I met Guy Garvey fleetingly, with said band-mate, and I know why he was so excited. I hadn't listened to this album at that point, if I had, I would've ended up talking jibberish to him anyway!
